February 1, 2011

Valentine Lovlies

Single or not, I still love Valentine's Day. Not for mushy reasons, but simply because of the merchandising. Hearts, bright pinks and purples, naked little chubby people, chocolate, and sex jokes? Of course I'm celebrating! Lately a lot of my art has been heart-themed, but more on that later. Here's some sweet-ass stuff from other people.

These great printed valentines by Clio Chlang.

I told you there would be sex jokes. By J. Shim. Check out the back!

I love skunks. :) By Handwork Chonricles.


  1. That rabbit one is amazing. And I die over letterpress. Diiiiie. Valentines really is sweet. I mean, reese's peanut butter hearts! C'mon!

  2. Yes! That rabbit card is amazing!! I once went to CVS, grabbed two toy bunnies and arranged them to look like they were humping. Then, I took a picture and sent it to my friends! That card is right up my alley! Ha! xo

  3. I am loving your blog design, it's so cute!! and these are such great finds :)

  4. That skunk card is so adorable. I really like when people are creative with the cards they make for Valentine's Day. I just bought a stack of really awesome ones to send to friends.

  5. i like the naughty ones for sure!

  6. those skunks are super adorable.
